Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dracula by Bram Stoker is live on Audible

 I am excited to announce that after much resistance, I have learned to master my own audio and my audiobook is live on Audible.  I have promo codes for those interested in checking out my narration. 

You can find the book at this link: https://www.audible.com/search?searchProvider=Lauren+LeMay+Publishing&ref=a_pd_Dracul_c1_publisher&pf_rd_p=8a2752a8-601f-4465-b227-7e95d7917c27&pf_rd_r=DC9DR1FT2MA16KFGWD6Q

Combining The Phil Blecker material
videos and audio

Finished a documentary about Dracula
| YouTube | Imdb |

Always uploading material on my four dropbox channels
| Ana Narrates | Ana Narează | Phil | Dr. Bob |

My narration of Dracula has been published on Audible and I have promo codes for those interested in them.
| Audible |

Narrating The Way of Transformation

Narrating " Meeting the Shadow The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature"