Friday, January 15, 2021

Organizing Phil's material

Since the lockdown is still going on in California, I began to immerse myself even more into the teaching material. Have been digging in archives of material collected from other workers and am amazed at the amount of teaching material Phil left. So I'm uploading it all to Dropbox. It is so much material that I might have to find a better way to organize this. It's a lifetime of work. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Here is the link to the Dropbox I'm posting it all to.

Combining The Phil Blecker material
videos and audio

Finished a documentary about Dracula
| YouTube | Imdb |

Always uploading material on my four dropbox channels
| Ana Narrates | Ana Narează | Phil | Dr. Bob |

My narration of Dracula has been published on Audible and I have promo codes for those interested in them.
| Audible |

Narrating The Way of Transformation

Narrating " Meeting the Shadow The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature"